
15 Years Fighting USAN Lies

Carol Lombardini AMPTP
David White CAUGHT!

Breach Of Fiduciary Duty
With Million Plus Salary!
While Members Suffer Strike!
Be Paid A Living Wage The Way It Should Be
Be Paid A Living Wage The Way It Should Be

Kevin' Statement/Solutions
We need a Vice President that has the time and experience to devote working for the New York members and the union as a whole. The AMPTP can well afford a substantial increase in pay for our members as well as a generous increase in streaming residuals. The producers’ contributions to P&H; must be negotiated higher immediately in the current negotiations. With generous NYS tax credits funding a substantial portion of production, there is no excuse not to pay members a considerable increase in pay, residuals and a substantial increase in employer P&H; contributions.
I find it unconscionable that Drescher & Knights parties (USAN/UFS) knew for a decade that the Health Plan was underfunded and did not demand increased employer contributions.
It’s unforgivable. They consistently negotiated multiple weak contracts while simultaneously using union funds to finance a disinformation campaign alluding to “Historic Gains” and healthy P&H.;
Think about that! They Lied! All in order to remain in power! Over the course of the last decade, I would estimate Drescher & Knights parties (USAN/UFS) has spent well over a million dollars of union money on postcard mailings to gaslight the members into voting for their damaging contracts.
It’s time for TRANSPARENCY! Members need to be given the truth!
After all, it’s your Union!
Enough is enough!
You must vote in this election and vote out the entire disingenuous USAN/UFS slate.
I’m Kevin Cannon and I’d be honored to lead SAG-AFTRA NY for the members and not our employers.
-About Us
I am a Condidate in Union of Sagaftra.
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01 01
Kevin Cannon
- No Caps On Dues.A-listers pay what you pay .
- Enforce Monthly Casting Director Meet & Greets With Principle CD's Not Only BG CD's.
- BG Doing Featured Silent & Physical Bits Upgraded to Principle/Stunt Contract.
- NY Office Open 24 /7 To Facillitate Members Working Strange & Dangerous Hours.
- 100% Open Streamed Board Meetings.Full Transparency.
- Restrict Waivers.
02 02

- Require Union Count First.
- Key BG program.One Key BG Designated To Act As Rep On Set..
- True 24/7 Emergency HotLine Managed By Members.With Authority To Aurhorize Transport,Hotel Anything To Assure Safety Of Member.
- Many More Unique Uplifting Programs I Can Initiate.
03 03
Kevin Cannon
- When Lobbying States For Production Tax Credits Include At Least 10% For Members Benefits.Stop Working For Producers Only & Start Working For Members. 700Million To Producers In NY Alone!Yearly!.
- Lobby Washington To Sanction Productions Utilizing Foreign Cash Incentives.Lobby To Keep Jobs In America.
- Allow Member Employment In NY Office.
- Many More Unique Uplifting Programs I Can Initiate.

— Workers are your Resposibilty
Stand up, speak out demand what you're due.
Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.
Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.
Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.
Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.
Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.

15 Years Later, Our Employers Unprecedented Growth Financed With Our Residuals!
1) Barbie crosses $1 Billion at Global Bix Office
2) Apple hits over 1 Billion paid subscription as service revenue hit records in Q3
3) Amazon’s Everything store keeps getting bigger with $134.4 Billion in Q2 Revenue
4) ‘Oppenheimer’ Crosses $500M global will reach $550M+ Through Sunday; Overtakes ‘Dunkirk’ WW
Contact /Ask Kevin Cannon Direct
Vote For Change National President #02 Maya Gilbert-Dunbar
#02 Maya Gilbert-Dunbar
Kevin's take on new/same old party Unity2023
When personal conflicts affect elected officials in the performance of their duties.They should no longer be allowed to serve.This is War with the AMPTP.In the Military I took an oath to protect the United States of America.I didn’t like or agree with many of my fellow soldiers.But when fighting the enemy.We fought as one.Personalities were set aside to do our job.And our elected officials having to form a separate party in order to do their job?? That to me shows they are unfit to serve.And the members will and always have been the casualties of their inability to fight for us as one.
And don’t give me the bull that they are one now .Public awareness and the WGA forced this supposed Unity.You don’t just suddenly become one.LA parties are either in a gang war state or now a gospel tent hallelujah we love everyone state.How about just loving the members & the union!Personalities set aside.Members just want to be represented ,heard and protected.You became ineffective.All of you.The minute you let personalities render you ineffective and incapable of doing your jobs.
Every one of you should resign for the good of the union if you truly want to serve the members.
I’ve watched your LA bullshit render both parties ineffective and damaging to the membership since 2008! And now you’ve brought your circus of Chaos to NY in the form of promoting USAN. Every one of you needs to be removed from service and prohibited from ever holding office again.
Vote For Change
Kevin Cannon
010 – #036 – #075 – #146
Vote For Change National Secretary-Treasurer #03 Peter Antico
#03 Peter Antico

A fair wage for a fair day’s work

Stand up, speak out – demand what you're due.

Fight oppression, fight for change.
For a Better Workplace, Fight For Your Rights.
No rights, no peace – fight for what you deserve.
For a Better Workplace, Fight For Your Rights.
No rights, no peace – fight for what you deserve.
For a Better Workplace, Fight For Your Rights.
No rights, no peace – fight for what you deserve.
For a Better Workplace, Fight For Your Rights.
No rights, no peace – fight for what you deserve.